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About me

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Teaching Bio

Hi there!


I’m Bailey, and I’m so glad you want to

get to know me!

I am a small-town singer and educator who is building a big city career! 

What inspires me to keep dreaming and doing? Opera, my pup (Alma), children, birds and rivers, anything that is done with commitment, love and care, and days off :)

Throughout my life I have been a student and teacher of many different disciplines. My education and experience runs deep and wide. In 2010 I earned a bachelor’s degree in Music Education from the University of Northern Colorado, and since then I have formally studied classical, jazz and musical theater vocal technique and pedagogy with various teachers. For the last decade I have designed and implemented vocal music education programs in public schools and non-profit organizations across the state, helping hundreds of students young and old step into their power as legitimate musical artists. Four years ago, I was done feeling hopelessly stuck in a job that drained me and left me so dried up that I had nothing left to give to my singing career.


I decided to take action and align my life with what makes me feel most alive. Since then I have completely dedicated myself to singing - I am established as a vital member of the professional musician community in my town, and I started and maintained two successful business - my voice lesson studio and my music coaching business. Additionally, I have participated in countless workshops, online courses and meditation retreats, I have hired vocal coaches, personal development coaches, business coaches and therapists, and I have devoured myriad personal development books, blogs and videos. I have studied in depth many different ways one can approach intentional life design as a creative, and I'm ready to share everything I have learned with you! 

I am here to show the world that the arts are a powerful and vital part of the human experience in that we should all engage our creative gifts in order to lead happy, healthy, purposeful and generous lives.


Teaching and singing are my gifts, and I feel extremely blessed to be living a life dedicated to these two things (but I am also living this life ON PURPOSE!). I believe that if more people had the courage to create and share their personal artistic gifts it would cause a Neo-Renaissance and our collective mind would explode with innovative solutions to all of the problems we are currently facing, and we would be empowered to take action. The world CRAVES the authenticity and unique offerings that each and every one of us have to give, and I work to draw that out of people and encourage them to share through my own singing and teaching.

I teach people how to sing, play ukulele, create and share, incite change, make an impact and be courageous!

I teach private voice lessons and music business lessons online from my classroom in Rio Rancho, NM. I coach emerging professional and pre-professional singers in my signature coaching program, Make Money with Music. I am the booking manager and lead singer for the Bailey Barnes Jazz Combo. I also perform classical and Musical Theater repertoire in my own self-produced concerts, as well as at Fort Lewis College, with the Durango arts organization 3rd Avenue Arts, and with the University of New Mexico, where I am currently getting my Master's degree in Vocal Performance and a minor in Arts Leadership and Business.


I live with my husband and our beloved pets, Alma and Bea. I love to read, watch inspiring television programs and movies, be outside, eat food made with care and love, have drinks with friends, play ukulele and grow plants. 

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"Bailey has opened up a whole new realm of singing. I was not aware that I had half of the capability that I am starting to realize I have through our lessons."

- Amiah

"Recording vocals is usually a point of stress for me for many reasons, but having a plan for rest allowed me to focus on the work instead of worrying about my sound or stamina. thank you again for making the most stressful part of my creative process tolerable! It really means a lot to be working on my voice for real, and with a great teacher at that

- Malik

"When you invest in lessons for your child, you want to know they are getting the teachers well-trained expertise. We feel Bailey models professionalism, honesty, and a true desire to teach correct technique."

- Tami

"Her constant emphasis on breathing technique along with her relaxed encouragement and advice on how to get in the right mental state really helps.  There are a lot of good singers in the world but very few who can teach it to the level Bailey does." 

- Pete

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